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Fantasy Basketball

Edniesha Curry blazing her own trail in Portland as an assistant |

She jokes about it, but it was a good thing she took Billups’ call.

“I’d never met him before, just knew him as a player.

This isn’t a novelty to Curry, who was the only woman on the coaching staff of a Division I men’s college team when she became an assistant at Maine for the 2018-19 season.

“I’ve never put a difference on it — whether I was coaching men or women,” said Curry, 42.

“NBA jobs are hard to get.

Jessica Cohen was recently promoted to head athletic trainer — becoming the first woman to hold the post in the NBA.

She knew the NBA game more than I’d thought for somebody that’s been in college for so long.

Curry, who is not related to the brothers Stephen and Seth Curry, played at Cal State Northridge and Oregon.

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“My journey is not only mentoring or being a role model for young girls, it’s also the young men that I get the opportunity to work alongside and mentor, too.

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